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Community-based rural tourism in Peru

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Tesoros del Perú

Tourism is one of the most important economic factors in Peru, so it has developed different branches that suit the needs of each visitor among them are ecotourism, adventure tourism, rural community tourism, among others.

Each branch has developed its own way of entertaining the visitor, each one being a completely unique experience when visiting Peru.

Rural community tourism in Peru is an activity that is developed in a planned and sustainable manner, where the inhabitants of each locality are organized to provide a unique experience for the tourist. This activity is a great benefit not only for the visitor, but also for the local people who receive the tourist, giving especially women a more prominent role within their own community, ensuring that there is a new level of equality, empowering the female role in economic activities that help their community grow.

What is rural community-based tourism in Peru?

 Community-based rural tourism, also known as CRT, is a new tourism modality that imposes as a major attraction the coexistence with the most remote communities of Peru, where the villagers are the main hosts of the visiting tourists.

The experience lies in being part of the lifestyle that takes place in the community that hosts the visitor, sharing their traditions, customs, being part of the daily activities while enjoying the contact with nature, gastronomy and landscapes that these places offer.

This new tourism proposal also arises as a sustainable tourism in which through training to the inhabitants of the communities, help to preserve the values and ancestral knowledge that little by little are being lost over time. This is also favorable for the communities since tourism becomes a new factor of economic growth, improving the lifestyle and quality of life of the inhabitants, thus avoiding the great displacement and migration to the big cities.

Why is rural community-based tourism important?

Rural community-based tourism is very important because it provides three major benefits to the communities that practice it

  • Economic benefits: The communities will be able to favorably improve their quality of life and lifestyle by receiving the tourism factor as a new economic income.

The local government provides training in customer service and tourism management, such as lodging services, restaurants and trade of their own handicrafts such as textiles and ceramics.

  • Social and cultural benefits: By developing community-based tourism, the villagers will be able to witness how their culture and identity will be strengthened because they will be appreciated by national and international visitors, which will lead to a greater appreciation of their cultural heritage, and the ancestral knowledge they possess will prevail for much longer.
  • Environmental Benefits: Evidently, the environmental factor and the space surrounding these communities is a key element for the development of CRT (Rural Community Tourism), which creates environmental awareness in both local inhabitants and visitors, for the preservation of these natural areas in favor of the protection of native, endemic and migratory flora and fauna species.

Best places in Peru for rural community-based tourism

Peru has registered around 9 thousand rural communities throughout its territory, however, it should be noted that not all of them practice the TRC, so before making your trip, consult with your travel consultant about the options you have to coexist with these communities. Below is a list with suggestions of native communities to practice TRC:

  • BORAS COMMUNITY, IQUITOS, located in the Peruvian Amazon, you can be part of the daily life of the Amazonian inhabitants, who teach ancestral teachings of natural medicine as well as participate in activities such as fruit harvesting, fishing, and other agricultural activities in the area.
  • SIBAYO COMMUNITY, AREQUIPA The community of Sibayo: is a small village in the Colca Valley, also called "Rumillacta" because of its streets built with blocks of worked rocks, mud and ashlar. In this community you can live real experiences such as participating in livestock activities such as raising llamas as a member of the community.
  • AMANTANI, UROS, TAQUILE PUNO ISLANDS: These communities are located on the islands of Lake Titicaca, offering visitors the opportunity to live and learn about the way of life of the lake's inhabitants, participating in fishing and agricultural activities.
  • LLACHÓN AND LUQUINA, PUNO: These are communities located on peninsulas on the shores of Lake Titicaca, which are already developing Experiential Tourism as one of their main activities, offering visitors the opportunity to participate in their daily activities such as artisanal fishing aboard the boats they produce, leaving each visitor with unique experiences.
  • WILLOQ - PATACANCHA, CUSCO: These communities located in the city of Cusco are an important part of the ethnic group that still keeps alive the traditions and ancestral Inca customs, being one of the most important points of reference in the city of Cusco for Rural Community Tourism.
  •  MISMINAY - MARAS, CUSCO: This community located in the district of Maras offers visitors not only the participatory experiences of their agricultural and livestock work, but also the sharing of ancestral knowledge as well as interpretation of the stars and Andean cosmovision, making it an ideal place for those interested in spiritual activities.
  • Points to Consider

While it is true that many of these communities have come to improve the quality of their homes thanks to the influx of tourists, do not forget that rural areas of Peru are characterized by the simplicity of their buildings, so while it is true that you will not find the great luxury that city hotels offer, rest assured that the warmth and friendliness of the people who will give you accommodation in their homes compensates greatly for the deficiencies of luxury and comfort.

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