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Every June 21, the Andean New Year is celebrated in Cusco

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Home » Blog » Every June 21, the Andean New Year is celebrated in Cusco
Salida Fija A Costa Rica

This day is one of the most important of the year, because in the Andean world every June 21 is celebrated the new Andean year or a new beginning; a date where the sun comes closer to the earth and the winter solstice occurs, this day was highly anticipated by the Incas where they waited for the Sun God to thank him for this new beginning and in the same way to the Pachamama.

Why is the Andean New Year celebrated?

It is a tradition that takes place in the Andean south and is celebrated every June 21, it means that on this date the Sun has a positive influence on agriculture and the good life of the indigenous communities, so it is very important to make an offering in gratitude to these deities that represent the beginning of a new Andean year.

This means that in the Andes the new agricultural production begins, and the objective of this tradition is to preserve ancestral traditions, maintain the connection with nature and strengthen the indigenous identity;

The solstice in the Andes

This phenomenon occurs when the sun approaches the earth and the Andean people make offerings, likewise it was seen that in the various Inca archaeological remains have the Intihuatana where it reflected the sun in addition to having the function of an astronomical calendar.

In colloquial words they say that the Incas in this special month trapped the Sun, hence the famous Intihuatana that Inti is "Sun" and Huatana is "to tie", then it is believed that they tied the sun as close as possible and offered offerings to their main God.

Hence this date is important, in addition, in ancient times it is said that on this date was also held the Inti Raymi or the Feast of the Sunbecause its approach was so close that they took the opportunity to thank him with a major offering and also thank the Pachamama.

Andean New Year in Cusco
Andean New Year in Cusco

Where is the Andean New Year celebrated?

This tradition is performed in the south of the country, specifically in Cusco, Puno, Arequipa and also in the countries of Bolivia and Chile, since they are recognized as part of the Tahuantinsuyo.

Importance in the communities

It is a very fundamental tradition that continues to be practiced by the community members, as I had already mentioned, this implies the end of a new period and the beginning of another one that influences agriculture, sowing and harvests.

In return they give a special offering to both the Sun God and Pachamama, depending on how they offer it they will have a good production or not as well;

How is the Andean New Year celebrated in the city of Cusco?

From very early in the morning the Pampamisayoc or known as Andean Priests prepare to receive the Sun God or Tayta Inti, we all dress with ponchos, chullos, sweaters and everything to withstand the cold, we are waiting since 4 am.

Festivity that takes place in Qoricancha, it is there where the bonfire is lit, an offering is prepared and the rituals of payment to the Pachamama begin, the Pampamisayoc is who leads the ceremony and thanks mother earth for everything offered at the same time is a new beginning of a new season.

All the villagers who wait during the ritual, when the sun rises, place the palms of their hands in front of the sun and are strengthened by the first rays of the sun and feel the energy.

It is one of the magical rites that are expected to be strengthened with the energy of the Sun; in the city of Cusco all the month of June there is a traditional festival, one of these is the Andean New Year and the other big party in South America is the Inti Raymi to be held this June 24 and will witness the 4 of them, the Inca and the Coya.

Salida Fija A Costa Rica
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