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How to get to Uros Island

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There are different ways to get to the floating island of the Uros in Puno, for example you can do it by bus, plane or train from different key areas of Peru. But, keep in mind that to get to this paradisiacal destination if or if you have to go on totora reed rafts or in the best cases in motor boats from the port of Puno.

Where is Uros Island located?

The floating island of the Uros is located on the Peruvian side, exactly west of Lake Titicaca and northwest of Puno, currently on the artificial island live about three to ten families.

Port Puno
Port Puno

How to get to Uros Island from Arequipa

To get to the floating island of the Uros from Arequipa we must take commercial buses, in this case we have to go to the bus terminal in Arequipa and buy our ticket to Puno, the road trip will take about 5 hours and a half.

Once you are in Puno you can hire the tour to the floating islands of the Uros with tour agencies or you can also go on your own, in either case you have to go to the port of Puno, and from there go to the island of the Uros, also all boats have a guide.

If you contrast the services of an agency "Tierra de los Andes", then you don't have to worry about the income; since these are included in the package. But if you decided to visit freely, check if within your tickets are already included the entrance ticket to the islands, its cost is 10 soles.

How to get to the Uros Island from Lima

If you are in Lima and want to visit the Uros Island, you have two ways to get to Uros:

By plane: You have to take a flight to Juliaca, from there you have to go directly to Puno, to visit the floating island of the Uros. From Lima there are daily flights, so you can plan your trip with tranquility, Latam and Viva Air are the companies that offer flights to Juliaca.

By bus: In this case we must buy our ticket to Arequipa or Cusco, from there you will have to take another bus and go to Puno. From this point you will head to the floating islands of the Uros.

How to get to the Uros Island from Cusco

Como Llegar A Isla De Los Uros
How to get to Uros Island

La ciudad de Cusco, es el punto intermedio para llegar a gran parte del sur peruano, desde aquí tienes tres formas de llegar a las islas flotantes del Lago Titicaca.

By plane: The only airline that takes you to Juliaca is Latam Airlines from Cusco, remember that Puno does not have an airfield, so you will have to make a stop in Juliaca and then come by bus, to continue your journey and head to the Uros Island.

By bus: It is the most practical way, so you have to go to the bus terminal in Cusco and buy your tickets to Puno, it is the only way to get to the Uros of Lake Titicaca. However, in the same city you can go with a travel agency that will offer you a complete tour to get to the Uros Island, Taquile, Antamani; most visited islands of Puno.

By train: Yes, you can also do it from Cusco, you just have to buy your train ticket and do the Ruta del Sol, in which you will visit several tourist places along your journey.

PeruRail is the only company that makes the trip to Puno, besides visiting sites of the Ruta del Sol you will also have shows prepared by the same company to make your trip enjoyable.

How to get to Uros Island from Puno

Isla De Los Uros Puno
Uros Island Puno

To get to the Uros Island from Puno, it is much easier than the previous destinations, as it is close to the lake. To visit the artificial island of the Uros, you have two ways to do it, as I told you at the beginning of this article.

Preferably hire the services of a travel agency, because they make all your itinerary for you to visit the variety of islands that Lake Titicaca has, you can also do experiential tourism if you want to know more about their culture, origin, lifestyle and more; and not only that, if you want you can do adventure sports all this is scheduled by travel agencies and make your visit more profitable and do not waste a minute in search of what to do in the Uros Island.

But, if you want to know the island freely, then buy your ticket and ask if it is included tickets to enter the Uros Island; the whole tour will have guide, do not worry about that, however, if you want to do some sport or experiential tourism will have to coordinate with the villagers, because sometimes they are usually reserved and will give you a date, free schedule that may not be according to your schedule.

In any case, visiting the Uros Island of Lake Titicaca will be one of the best experiences you will take with you, you can do many things in Lake Titicaca, do not wait any longer and start your trip with our agency Tierra de los Andes, we are always ready to give you the best adventures and memories of Peru.

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