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Visit Lake Titicaca from La Paz

Tesoros del Perú

Lake Titicaca stretches between the two nations of Bolivia and Peru, its deep blue waters make it a paradisiacal destination; bordered to the northeast by the Cordillera Real. This huge lake has several islands to visit and the most relevant thing is that it still preserves its Inca culture.

There are two ways to visit this lake, you can do it from Puno (Peru) or from La Paz (Bolivia); doing it from the Bolivarian side you will be able to appreciate its archaeological remains and also connect with the Aymara civilization.

Like the other tourist attractions of Bolivia, Titicaca is one of the must-see sites that you have to visit and do community tourism that manages to attract many tourists both domestic and foreign.

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Lago Titicaca

How to get to Lake Titicaca from La Paz Bolivia?

To get to this tourist attraction in Bolivia, there are three ways:

First, you must take a bus from La Paz to Copacabana.

The other alternative is to go by ferry from Copacabana to Yumani, Isla del Sol. This means of transport is widely used by tourists.

The last option is that you can also take a ferry from Yumani, Isla del Sol to Challapampa, to continue the visit to the other islands of Lake Titicaca.

Now I will detail the route to get to the other islands of Lake Titicaca from La Paz:

To get to Titicaca from La Paz - Bolivia will take you about 3 hours from the same city, but to go to this tourist destination we have to start from La Paz to Copacabana which is on the shores of Lake Titicaca, this route is done through an agency that you have hired.

With this tour you will do it by day, in which you will be guided to Tiquina and will have to cross in a boat to continue with the trip to the slopes of the archaeological zones, where you will see one of the existing cultures, the Chiripas.

After arriving at Copacabana, you will make a short visit to this religious sanctuary where the Virgin of Copacabana is located and you will continue your visit to the Island of the Sun, you will disembark at the temple of Pikokaina which was built by the Inca Tupac Yupanqui, at the same time you will be able to see the lake and the mountain range.

The tour continues and this time ascending towards the agricultural terraces until you reach the top of the island. This runs for a day, so you will have to stay overnight and witness the sunset and take some nice pictures for the memory.

Continuing with the excursion, the next day you will have to go down to the port of Yumani by the "Thousand Steps of Saxamani" that will lead you directly to the island's dock.

But before you descend, at the top of the steps you will find a traditional fountain called "The Fountain of the Three Waters" which signifies cleanliness, life and youth; a must-see.

Then you continue your travels and this time you will head towards the village of Challapampa where you will find a small archaeological museum and you can also walk along the white sandy beach.

And now finishing, you will continue walking until you reach the temple of the Chinkana, according to history tells us that these chinkanas were used for meditation or worship, in this case would be to the sun god "Inti" or some sacred rock.

After this guided tour, you will return to Copacabana and then to La Paz-Bolivia.

¿Cuántas horas es de La Paz al lago Titicaca?

Getting to Lake Titicaca on the Bolivian side will take you an average of 3 hours from La Paz. On the other hand, each tour to each island will take you a prudent time, so I recommend you to do a two-day tour, to see all its attractions, learn about its culture and architecture..

If you want to have one of the best experiences, always remember to hire the services of a tourist agency, which will provide you with security and guarantee.

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