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Casa Huchuy Qosqo
Turistas En Casa Huchuy Qosqo
Trekking Hacia Huchuy Qosqo
Trekking Huchuy Qosqo
Vista De Casa En Huchuy Qosqo


Huchuy Qosqo offers breathtaking views of the Andes and the ancient Inca empire.

Huchuy Qosqo trekking tour of 3 days

Huchuy Qosqo Trek is a very beautiful hike and is accessible to all participants, it is suitable for those tourists who have limited time, but would like to know a little more, get out of the everyday, have contact with the locals and especially who like to walk, on the paths made by the Incas. Huchuy Qosqo is an Inca archaeological site located north of the city of Cusco; its name is in Quechua and means "Little Cusco", this site is only visited by people who go trekking.

The Huchuy Qosqo hike will take you to explore one of the treasures in the Andes of the Urubamba mountain range in a very short time, this hike is perfect for people who do not want to spend a lot of time in the mountains, but still want to feel the charm of enjoying the Peruvian Andes. It is a hiking route, from where we will be able to appreciate several beautiful peaks such as Sawasiray 5750 m, Pitusiray 5550 m, La veronica 5820 m, Chicon 5450 m, El Salkantay 6250 m and El Ausangate 6278 m and on our trek we will be accompanied by our llamas who will be in charge of carrying our bags.

The price includes

  • Private vehicle Cusco - Tambomachay // Chinchero - Cusco.
  • Entrance ticket to Huchuy Qosqo and the BTG
  • 2 nights at Casa Rural.
  • Vegetarian option (no extra charge).
  • Food: 2 Breakfasts, 3 Lunches and 2 Dinners.
  • Shared Spanish-speaking guide.

Price does not include

  • First breakfast and last dinner.
  • Extra expenses.
  • Travel insurance
  • Propayments

Early in the morning, we pick you up at your hotel, departing for Tambomachay, an archaeological complex composed of a series of ceremonial water fountains dedicated to the cult of water. The day's hike will begin at this point, here we will meet our trekking team and continue through puna landscapes and over the Sicllaccasa pass at 4200 m / 13186 FASL where we will have spectacular views of two valleys. To your right, you will see the capital of the Incas, Cusco, with impressive mountains surrounding it.

From the pass, we will follow the side of a small valley, to cross to the other side. From here we will go up, to our highest point, the Yanacocha Pass 4300 m from where we can appreciate the Yanacocha lagoon 4270 m its name is in Quechua means the black lagoon, we will pass through the high part until we reach another point from where we can see another lagoon Qoricocha (Golden Lake), where it is possible to see a great variety of birds, such as Andean geese (huallatas), lapwings and partridges, among others. With a panoramic view we can enjoy our lunch, on one side of the valley we will enjoy the scenery of the lake with the background of the mountains of Ausangate 6378 m and on the other side the lagoon of Pihuray 3700 m with the background of the mountains of Salkantay 6250 m which would be the two highest mountains of Cusco. After lunch our way will be downhill until we reach the village of Quenqo 3900 m, and an hour later we will be arriving to the village of Patabamba 3850 m, where a group of locals will welcome us and are always happy to receive us in their community. After settling in and having a cup of coca tea, we will visit one of the local families to learn about their lifestyle and customs. In the evening we will enjoy our dinner prepared by our host family.


  • Cusco (3330 m) - Yanacocha Pass (4300 m) - Patabamba (3850 m).
  • Private vehicle for the group //
  • Guide in Spanish for the group
  • Cusco - Tambomachay 30m
  • Hike duration 7 hours
  • Lunch and dinner
  • Night at Casa Rural

If someone does not want to climb it will be a good time to enjoy a little rest. After this we will walk for a few minutes to reach the small village of Pukamarca which means The red village, in this place we will enjoy our lunch..

After this, we will continue our hike to the Puma Puncu canyon "the puma's door". From here, you will walk along an original Inca trail, which has been restored as part of the Qapacñan project. This trail will take you to the isolated and mysterious Inca site of Huchuy Qosqo ("little Cusco") built above the Sacred Valley of the Incas at 3600 meters above sea level. This site is formed by magnificent terraces overlooking the valley and stone and adobe constructions and is only accessible on foot, was built by the eighth Inca ruler. Once at the site, we will have a guided tour, who will show us all the incredible Inca buildings of the site, such as sacred temples, warehouses, Inca terraces for agriculture and the Inca reservoir used to store water during the dry season.

Once visited Huchuyqosqo we will have to climb about 15 minutes to reach our lodge, the family very happy to receive us and prepare us our dinner and the next day also our breakfast..

Patabamba (3800 m) - Puka Marca Pass (4000 m) - Huchuy Qosqo (3600 m) .


  • Hike duration 7 hours
  • Guide in Spanish
  • Entrance to Huchuy Qosqo
  • Night in Casa Rural.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner included

Today you will wake up in the heights of the Sacred Valley of the Incas with a breathtaking sunrise if the weather permits and also with views of the snow-capped mountains and the Sacred Valley of the Incas accompanied by the Urubamba River.

We will have our well-deserved breakfast with the local family and then start our new trek. We will begin by a gradual ascent until we reach the Huallata k'assa pass (4,300 meters), from 4000 m the vegetation changes from what we started with small bushes transforms into a high altitude vegetation where only grows straw known as ichu, a kind of high altitude grass that the llama and alpaca eat. At the pass we will have a view of the Urubamba and Vilcanota mountain ranges with their impressive mountains. Shortly after passing the pass, we will start the descent passing by small lakes such as the Cusicocha lake, we will continue our descent until we reach the Piuray lake at 3780 m, as we advance, we will change the landscape, we will begin to find cultivated land such as barley, quinoa, potatoes and other Andean tubers. Then we head towards Chinchero, to visit the archaeological site, with its magnificent catholic church, we will also be able to enjoy the weavings of the place, after this we will take our vehicle that will take us to our hotel, where our service ends.

Huchuy Qosqo (3600 m) - Huallata K'asa (4300 m) - Chinchero (3760 m)


  • Hike duration 5 hours
  • Shared Spanish-speaking guide
  • Entrance to Chinchero
  • Breakfast, lunch included

En construcción...

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre el Tour de Huchuy Qosqo

¿Dónde queda Huchuy Qosqo en Cusco?

Este recinto se encuentra en la comunidad de Huchuy Qosqo de la provincia de Calca, en el Valle Sagrado de los Incas de la ciudad de Cusco. 

¿Cómo es el lugar de Huchuy Qosqo?

Huchuy Qosqo provienen del idioma quechua que significa “Cusco pequeño”, siendo un conjunto arqueológico que dada a edificación, se asume que fue un centro  religioso, administrativo y de función militar.

Presenta muros ce piedras que desafían movimientos telúricos, siendo una muestra de la alta tecnología que manejaban los Incas, con edificaciones  de base de piedra y con acabado de arcilla.

Tiene una característica peculiar, por su construcción de forma escalonada que sigue la pendiente de ola montaña, que da como resultado una construcción de buena estética. En esta parte destacan los tres grandes edificios, plaza amplia, canal de irrigación forrado en piedras, otros recintos dispersos, gran puerta inca y una calzada inca que guía a la ciudad de Cusco.                                                                               

Nivel de dificultad del tour Huchuy Qosqo Trek

El trek a Huchuy Qosqo está entre el nivel moderado y exigente porque se encuentra con caminatas en terreno irregular, por desniveles, de varias horas, así mismo,  se requiere contar con buena salud y aclimatación para disfrutar mejor la aventura.  

A qué altura está Huchuy Qosqo

Huchuy Qosqo se encuentra a  3 600 metros sobre el nivel del mar aproximadamente, situado  frente a los nevados de Pitusiray y Sawasiray, en el tercio superior de la montaña, cerca  del pueblo de Lamay.

Mejor época para hacer trekking en Huchuy Qosqo

Puedes visitar el recinto de Huchuy Qosqo en cualquier momento del año, pero es recomendable hacerlo durante la época seca que son los mese de abril a octubre, ya que si visitas el destino durante la época de lluvia es recomendable tomar las precauciones del caso. 

¿Cómo es el clima en Huchuy Qosqo?

En la temporada de lluvia, de noviembre a marzo, la temperatura máxima es de 14 °C y la mínima de unos 6 °C, con lluvias y caminos más dificultosos que debes prever. 

Mientras que durante la temporada seca, de abril a octubre, la temperatura máxima  es de 15 °C y la mínima de 4 °C. Donde encontrarás el cielo más despejado, de mejor caminata, sin presencia de lluvias.

¿Qué veremos en el trek Huchuy Qosqo?

Durante el trekking podrás apreciar muchos atractivos arqueológicos y recursos naturales que te sorprenderán: 

  • Observarás muchos rebaños de llamas 
  • Paisajes maravillosos.
  • Sitios Arqueológicos Incas. 
  • Lagunas impresionantes. 
  • Variedad de aves.
  • Plantas nativas.

¿Se puede hacer el tour Huchuy Qosqo con niños?

Para el tour de Huchuy Qosqo debemos de considerar que se tiene que realizar una caminata de cerca de 7 horas, estas varían dependiendo del trayecto que se tome, sin embargo, puedes llevar a niños si hay opción porque también hay la opción de ir a caballo. 

Se recomienda no traer a niños muy pequeños, como padres responsables es preferible hacer el tour con menores desde los 8 años a adelante. 

A partir de:
/ Por persona
3 days
Hotel 3 ***

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