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Royal Tomb in Machu Picchu

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Home » Blog Machu Picchu » Royal Tomb in Machu Picchu

We continue touring the archaeological site of Machu Picchu, today we visit the Royal Tomb, a mausoleum located under the Temple of the Sun; many scholars considered this place as important, because here would have been the mummified body of an important personage belonging to the nobility.

To get to visit it before we must acquire the entrance tickets to Machu Picchu and you can visit with all circuits 1, 2, 3 and 4, so you have no problem to get there, but beware the entrance tickets are always booked 1 or 2 weeks in advance. Now we will know a little more of its history and what we can see inside this mysterious construction, then step to tell you all about this site.

History of the Royal Tomb at Machu Picchu

The Royal Tomb was built during the Inca empire of Pachacuteq, this construction has an important meaning as well as the buildings that are inside the Main Square although it is built under the Temple of the Sun.

The tomb was carved from the same rock and from it was built the chamber that would later have the function of a mausoleum, several studies were conducted and determined that this center was built to place the bodies of characters belonging to the Inca nobility.

For this reason a fine work was done, they even mentioned that the body of their emperor could be there. In its interior it is seen that some carvings were made with sacred symbols, you can also see a construction in the form of a hemicycle with three steps, in this way would represent the Pachamama.

Regarding the interior we can find a well-finished carvings with a perfect symmetry, the walls of the chambers were made with the purpose of serving as a niche for the various characters belonging to the nobility, in which there are four niches placed in the walls of large size as well as the doors.

In the upper part of the walls you can see several stone cylinders, they were made with the purpose of being a support to hold the ornamentation of the tomb or another object of the sepulcher.

  • It was named as the tomb of the most notable characters of the Inca empire, as determined by H. Bingham who believed that in this place were placed Inca mummies, but failed to find any remains.

What to see in the Royal Tomb in Machu Picchu?

-Inside we can see two large niches, made with stone beams and two other small niches, but on the deeper side of the wall.

-On the ground you can see a rock carved with a semicircular shape that has three steps, it is said that these would represent the Andean world.

-We can see in the upper exterior part the Temple of the Sun.

Finally, if you are interested in visiting the Machu Picchu citadel with your family, friends, partner or your coworkers, write us on our WhatsApp +51 984 550 165 or leave us a message on our email ventas@terandes.com.

Images of the Royal Tomb

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