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Rafting en Cusipata | tour de canotaje

"The river never turns back, and that’s how we should live."
70 $
/ por persona
Home » Tours to Peru » Tours in Cusco » Rafting in Cusipata | canoeing tour
Descubre Cusco, el ancestral Qosqo quechua, que significa "ombligo del mundo". Este nombre encierra la esencia mística de la ciudad, reconocida como el punto de unión entre los tres planos de existencia Inca: el mundo subterráneo o Uku Pacha, el mundo terrenal o Kay Pacha y el mundo celestial o Hanan Pacha. En este tour de 9 días, te invitamos a sumergirte en el centro espiritual y geográfico del universo Inca.
4 dias
Tamaño grupo:
8 personas
8 personas
8 personas
8 personas
8 personas
Disfrutarás del emocionante tour de canotaje en Cusco, una de las actividades más populares de la ciudad. No necesitas experiencia previa, ya que contamos con guías expertos y un equipo de primeros auxilios para garantizar tu seguridad. Remarás en el río Vilcanota, conocido por sus impresionantes rápidos, especialmente durante la temporada de lluvias. Prepárate para una aventura inolvidable.
Duración: Full day
Min group: 2 passengers
Difficulty: Intermediate
All year round

Short itinerary - Rafting in Cusipata

Tierras de los Andes es un operador turístico, que fue fundado en el año 2000 con el propósito de crear auténticas experiencias de viajes a medida y fuera de los caminos tradicionales en América del Sur. El equipo de Tierras de los Andes está compuesto de personas que vienen de diferentes partes del Perú y del mundo para garantizar una experiencia única, nuestro equipo se compone de profesionales de turismo: creadores de viajes, guías nativos y fieles proveedores locales.

  • Day 1: Cusco – Cusipata – Chuquiqawana – River Rafting

Complete itinerary – Rafting in Cusipata

Day 1
Rafting río Vilcanota
Rafting - Río Vilcanota

Cusco – Cusipata – Chuquiqawana – River Rafting

Today we will pick you up from your hotel and travel in our private transportation to the "Cusipata River Lodge" camp. Upon arrival, you can leave your luggage and enjoy hot showers, restrooms, a sauna, and a comfortable dining area.

Our guides will provide all the necessary rafting equipment and give a safety briefing. We will then go rafting on the river for two hours. Afterward, we will return to the camp for lunch and some relaxation in the sauna.

Finally, we will have an exciting zip-lining session. We will return to the hotel around 5:00 PM.

Cusco (3350 m) – Cusipata (3310 m)

  • Shared vehicle for the group, boat, and rafting equipment
  • Shared Spanish-speaking guide
  • Lunch included
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What is included in the trip?


  • Shared vehicle for transfers
  • Lunch included
  • All rafting equipment (helmet, life jacket, paddle, raft, splash jacket, wetsuit, and booties)
  • Professional rafting guide
  • Safety kayaker
  • All activities mentioned in the program

Does not include:

  • Drinks
  • Insurance
  • Tip

When would you like to visit Peru?

Discover Peru on one of our scheduled departures. Unique and cultural experiences await you in this incredible destination.
Price based on
for 2 people
70 USD

Reservations are made in advance, especially during holidays and peak seasons. Reservations are only accepted through the established methods.

Payment Methods

  • PayPal (credit or debit card payment)
  • We Travel (credit or debit card payment)
  • Global 66 (bank transfer)

Transaction Fees

Travel packages and programs include transaction fees for the first two payments with credit or debit cards, or PayPal. Please check other payment methods for no additional charges.

Change and Cancellation Policies

Tour rescheduling is allowed with proper notice, except for tours to Machu Picchu. Failure to show up will result in the total loss of the service. Cancellation or withdrawal of the service will not be entitled to a refund.

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