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Tour trekking in the Huayhuash mountain range

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Home » Tours to Peru » Trekking in Peru » Huayhuash Mountain Range Trek
Descubre Cusco, el ancestral Qosqo quechua, que significa "ombligo del mundo". Este nombre encierra la esencia mística de la ciudad, reconocida como el punto de unión entre los tres planos de existencia Inca: el mundo subterráneo o Uku Pacha, el mundo terrenal o Kay Pacha y el mundo celestial o Hanan Pacha. En este tour de 9 días, te invitamos a sumergirte en el centro espiritual y geográfico del universo Inca.
4 dias
Tamaño grupo:
8 personas
8 personas
8 personas
8 personas
8 personas
This trek traverses a vast expanse of the majestic Huayhuash Mountain Range, considered the second most impressive in the world. Located in central Peru, south of the Cordillera Blanca, the Huayhuash Range is home to seven towering peaks exceeding 6000 meters in altitude, as well as other peaks surpassing 5500 meters.

Among them, the Yerupajá (6634 m), the second highest mountain in Peru, and the Siula Grande (6356 m), famous for the feat accomplished by climber Joe Simpson in "Touching the Void," stand out. Also included are the Rondoy (5879 m), Jirishanca (6094 m), Yerupajá Chico (6121 m), Sarapo (6127 m), Carnicero (5975 m), Trapecio (5644 m), Diablo Mudo (5223 m), and Pumarinri (5465 m).

Duration: 10 days
Min group: 02 passengers
March - October

Short itinerary - Trekking in the Huayhuash Mountain Range

Tierras de los Andes es un operador turístico, que fue fundado en el año 2000 con el propósito de crear auténticas experiencias de viajes a medida y fuera de los caminos tradicionales en América del Sur. El equipo de Tierras de los Andes está compuesto de personas que vienen de diferentes partes del Perú y del mundo para garantizar una experiencia única, nuestro equipo se compone de profesionales de turismo: creadores de viajes, guías nativos y fieles proveedores locales.

  • Day 1: Huaraz - Chiquián - Matacancha
  • Day 2: Matacancha - Mitucocha Lagoon
  • Day 3: Mitucocha Lagoon - Carhuacocha
  • Day 4: Carhuacocha Lagoon - Huayhuash
  • Day 5: Huayhuash - Viconga
  • Day 6: Viconga - Huanacpatay
  • Day 7: Huanacpatay - Huatiac
  • Day 8: Huatiac - Tapush Pass - Rinconada
  • Day 9: Rinconada - Yaucha Pass - Jahuacocha Lagoon
  • Day 10: Jahuacocha - Pampa Llamac Pass - Huaraz

Complete Itinerary - Trekking in the Huayhuash Mountain Range

Day 1
Huaraz (2)

Huaraz - Chiquián - Matacancha

We will depart by vehicle from the city of Huaraz to Matacancha. Along the way, our guide will explain the route as we enjoy views of the snow-capped peaks of Rondoy and Ninashanca, which mark the beginning of one of the main branches of the Huayhuash Range. After several hours of travel, we will arrive at Matacancha, located at an altitude of 4180 meters. Here, we will have dinner and rest.

Huaraz (3050 m) - Matacancha (4150 m)


  • Private vehicle for the group
  • English-speaking guide
  • Huaraz - Matacancha 6h
  • Entrance to Huaraz National Park
  • Lunch and dinner
  • Overnight at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day  2
Ruta Huayhuash
Trek cordillera 

Matacancha – Laguna Mitucocha

Early in the morning, after breakfast, we will start our ascent to Cacananpunta Pass (4700 m), where we will enjoy stunning views of green valleys and rock formations. We will then descend, taking in the view over Puca Cocha until we reach the Janca Valley, near Mitucocha Lagoon. We will set up camp here for the rest of the day.

Matacancha (4150 m) - Cacananpunta Pass (4700 m) - Mitucocha (4200 m)


  • English-speaking guide
  • Hiking time: 5 hours
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Overnight at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 3

Laguna de Mitucocha - Carhuacocha

We will begin our steady ascent southward until we reach Carhuac Pass (4650 m). From here, we will have stunning views of the imposing snow-capped peaks of Yerupajá Grande (the second highest mountain in Peru), Yerupajá Chico (6121 m), and Siula Grande (6344 m), which is renowned for its prominent role in the film "Touching the Void."

We will then descend to our campsite by Carhuacocha Lagoon (4150 m), where we will have the opportunity to see Vizcachas (Andean rodents) enjoying the serenity under the warm sun. Upon reaching our campsite, we will have a direct view of the lagoon and the snow-capped peaks of Siula, Yerupajá, and Jirishanka. Dinner and rest.

Mitucocha (4200 m) - Carhuac Pass (4650 m) - Carhuacocha (4150 m)


  • Hiking duration: 6 hours
  • English-speaking guide
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Overnight at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 4
Camino Huayhuash
Huayhuash Lagoon

Carhuacocha - Laguna Huayhuash

On this day, we will start our hike following the course of the river to the head of the Queropalca ravine before beginning our ascent to Carnicero Pass (4600 m).

From here, we will have magnificent views of majestic mountains such as Yerupajá (6634 m), the second highest mountain in Peru, and Siula (6356 m), famous for Joe Simpson's dramatic ascent that inspired the book and film "Touching the Void." We will then descend to Huayhuash to have dinner and rest.

Carhuacocha (4150 m) - Carnicero Pass (4600 m) - Huayhuash (4350 m)


  • Hiking time: 8 hours
  • Shared English-speaking guide
  • Campsite fees
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Overnight at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 5
Trekking Huayhuash (3)
Cordillera Huayhuash

Huayhuash - Viconga

On this day, our hike will take us to the southernmost edge of the Huayhuash Range, ascending to Huayhuash Pass (4700 m). From here, we can enjoy breathtaking views of the Raura Range and the southeast face of Trapecio Peak. We will then head to the Putcka hot springs, where we can relax in the hot water pools and enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Huayhuash (4350 m) - Huayhuash Pass (4700 m) - Viconga (4500 m)


  • Hiking time: 6 hours
  • Shared English-speaking guide
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Overnight at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 6
Trekking Huayhuash (4)
Cordillera Huayhuash

Viconga – Huanacpatay

Today we face our greatest challenge: Punta Cuyoc (5000 m), with a steady ascent lasting 2 to 3 hours.

The views are spectacular: to the southeast, the majestic Raura Range unfolds in all its grandeur, while to the north, we see the imposing peaks of the Huayhuash Range from a new angle, including the Nevado Sarapo (6127 m), which reveals itself to us for the first time.

The first 50 meters of the descent are steep, but as we continue, the terrain improves until we reach a broad valley, where we stop for lunch and recharge. We then take a short hike to our campsite at Huanacpatay (4300 m). Dinner and rest.

Viconga (4500 m) - Punta Cuyoc (5000 m) - Huanacpatay (4300 m)


  • Hiking time: 6 hours
  • English-speaking guide
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Overnight at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 7
Trekking Huayhuash (2)

Huanacpatay – Huatiac

After breakfast, we will begin our descent through the Huanacpatay Valley towards the charming village of Huallapa. Here, we will settle the campsite fee and continue our journey to the Huatiac campsite, enjoying the scenic beauty of the region along the way.

Huanacpatay (4300 m) - Huatiac (4350 m)


  • Hiking time: 7 hours
  • English-speaking guide
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Overnight at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 8
Trekking Huayhuash
Tapush Pass Trek

Huatiac - Paso Tapush - Rinconada

On this day, we begin our hike towards Tapush Pass, located at 4750 meters above sea level. Along the way, we will have the chance to admire the imposing Nevado Diablo Mudo or Rajucollota (5350 m), as well as the serene Laguna Susucocha and, in the distance, the majestic Cordillera Blanca.

As we descend into the valley, we will stop to visit the magnificent Laguna de Susucocha. We will then continue to the Rinconada campsite, where we will spend the night.

Huatiac (4350 m) - Tapush Pass (4750 m) - Rinconada (4250 m)


  • Duration of the hike: 6 hours.
  • English-speaking guide
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Night at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 9
Jahuacocha Lagoon

Rinconada - Yaucha Pass - Jahuacocha Lagoon

Today, after breakfast, we will start our hike to Yaucha Pass, at 4800 meters above sea level. From here, we will enjoy an impressive view of the Huayhuash mountain range, with its imposing snow-capped peaks, including the majestic Yerupajá, where, if we are lucky, we might spot the condor, the emblematic bird of the Peruvian Andes.

We will then continue our journey down the valley, where we can enjoy the magnificent Jahuacocha lagoon and the peaks of Jirishanca. We will spend our last night by the tranquil waters of Jahuacocha lagoon.

Rinconada (4250 m) - Yaucha Pass (4800 m) - Jahuacocha (4050 m)


  • Hiking time: 7 hours.
  • English-speaking guide
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
  • Night at the campsite
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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Day 10
Pampa Llamac
Pampa Llamac

Jahuacocha - paso Pampa Llamac - Huaraz

On the last day of our hike, we will descend through the picturesque Huayllan valley, surrounded by tall ichus and lush queñuales, until we reach the peaceful village of Llamac. Here, our transportation will be waiting to take us back to the city of Huaraz.

Jahuacocha (4050 m) - Pampa Llamac Pass (4300 m)


  • Hiking time: 6 hours.
  • Private vehicle from Llamac to Huaraz: 4 hours.
  • Breakfast and lunch included
Accommodation is guaranteed for most travel dates but may be substituted with another hotel of the same category.
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What is included in the trip?

The price includes:

  • Private vehicle from the hotel in Huaraz to the start of the hike.
  • All entrance fees to Huascarán National Park.
  • Private transfer from Llamac to Huaraz.
  • Tent (quadruple tent for two people).
  • Mats or mattresses.
  • Support staff for camping equipment.
  • First aid kit, oxygen bottle.
  • Vegetarian option (no extra charge).
  • Full board: 9 breakfasts, 10 lunches, and 9 dinners.
  • Meeting with your guide the day before the trek starts.
  • Donkeys and muleteers to transport equipment. Approximately 12 kg per person.
  • Reserve horse.

The price does not include:

  • The first breakfast and the last dinner.
  • Additional expenses.
  • Sleeping bag.
  • Travel insurance.

When would you like to visit Peru?

Discover Peru on one of our scheduled departures. Unique and cultural experiences await you in this incredible destination.

  • Price per person based on 2 people

Option to complete the trek in 10 days (please contact us for more information)

Price based on
for 2 people
Price based on
for 3 people
Price based on
for 4 people
Price based on
for 5 people
Price based on
for 6 people
-- USD -- USD -- USD -- USD -- USD

Reservations must be made in advance, especially during holidays and peak seasons. Reservations are only accepted through the established channels.

Payment Methods:

  • PayPal (payment by credit or debit card)
  • We Travel (payment by credit or debit card)
  • Global 66 (bank transfer)

Transaction Fees:

Travel packages and programs include transaction fees for the first two payments by credit or debit card or PayPal. Please check for other payment methods with no surcharge.

Change and Cancellation Policies:

Tour rescheduling is allowed with adequate notice, except for Machu Picchu tours. Failure to show up will result in the total loss of the service. Cancellations or withdrawal from the service are non-refundable.

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