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Guide to San Pedro Church, Cusco's most famous church

Home » Cusco » The main temples and churches in Cusco, Peru » Guide to San Pedro Church, Cusco's most famous church
Home » Cusco » The main temples and churches in Cusco, Peru » Guide to San Pedro Church, Cusco's most famous church

The church of San Pedro is one of the most visited and famous temples of the city of Cusco, it is located in front of the oldest market of the same name. The temple was built in 1688, formerly there was the hospital of natural, in 1983 is declared as Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco.

History of St. Peter's Church

When you are in Cusco do not just go to the churches and admire their paintings, architecture; as a traveler I give you a tip to know better the places that Cusco has. The first thing you should do is always inform yourself and know the history of each place, so when you find yourself in this case in the church of San Pedro you will know the meaning of each object and will have more value.

Knowing the history of each tourist site adds a plus to every visit you make, do not just stay with what the guides tell you, investigate its origin and you will see that each place has an important meaning, so they are highlights in the city.

To not tire you anymore, I will tell you a little of the history of the church and with this information you can learn more about this religious attraction of the city. The area where the church of San Pedro is built was initially a hospital for the care of the natives of Cusco; however, the custom of the Spaniards had the custom that every hospital had to have a chapel, which is why it was built in 1572.

In 1750 the city was shaken by an earthquake that caused the collapse of several buildings in the city, also affecting the hospital and the chapel inside.

In 1688 the bishop of Cusco Manuel de Mollinedo was the one who promoted the construction of the church of San Pedro, the works were in charge of the architect and sculptor from Cusco Juan Tomás Tuyro Tupac; but it happens that to build the church they needed stones and they brought it from the Picchu hill, it was the closest to the city besides that it was an Inca construction.

Again, in 1950 the imperial city suffers an earthquake and suffers damage to the domes of the towers, arches or had to make repairs, today is located among the most famous churches in the city, also near this center is the market of San Pedro, the oldest market center of the city.

How to get to the church of San Pedro de Cusco?

Architecture of the temple of San Pedro

Regarding the architecture of the church, it has a Latin cross plan, with a single nave with chapels that are united in the area of the transept. As for the design of the temple, it has four arches that hold the central nave and around which the eight chapels are built.

The façade of the temple is facing east, the façade has three baroque style bodies, while the towers of this church and the façade have a more serene design that serve as a shelter for the Doric bell towers of the church.

  • Interior of the church

Inside the church the most outstanding feature is the main altarpiece, which has three bodies and has a central niche, but it is not the only one, as it has 10 other side altarpieces in the main one is for the Virgen de la Candelaria, each of the altarpieces is carved in wood and covered with gold leaf.

Also, you will find a variety of art pieces, including large collections of paintings and sculptures among the most outstanding is the picture of Bishop Mollinedo and other paintings showing the lives of saints, etc..

What to see and do in St. Peter's Church?

  • High Altar, its altar is relevant because it is carved in wood and covered with gold leaf.
  • Paintings and sculptures, inside the church you can find a variety of pieces of art belonging to the Cusco school of art.

Admission Hours and Prices

To enter the temple of San Pedro you can only visit it from Monday to Sunday during the mass hours from 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning, the entrance is free; however, keep in mind that when entering it is forbidden to take pictures.

Photos and images of St. Peter's Church

Interior De San Pedro
San Pedro Interior
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