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Abode of the Gods in Cusco

Cusco never ceases to surprise us with its attractions, this time we are talking about large stone carvings that adorn the place, visiting the Dwelling of the Gods or Apukunaq Tianan (word in Quechua) is like going back in time and feel the magic of what was the Andean.

This time we go to this modern attraction that is composed of several stone sculptures that has a height of about 8 meters, each sculpture refers to the Inca and Andean gods, you will see monuments that were sculpted from the same stone.

The author of this magnificent masterpiece is the Cusqueño sculptor Michael de Titán Monteagudo Mejía, who created this series of sculptures representing deities such as the Pachamama, water, deities and others, thanks to a project that aimed to keep alive the tradition of stone sculpture.

He also commented that during the work on the sculptures, several important rituals were performed in order to show respect to the deities, and at the same time some legends and myths emerged that are still unknown.

One of them is that all these sculptures were carved in virgin land and the people who worked in the place told that mystical beings of these lands appeared, some know them as mukis or goblins who claimed to be part of this attraction that was going to be built in the place. For what the sculptor indicated that it is pending to make representative carvings of the goblins.

  • Its name derives from Quechua and means Apu - God and Tianan - dwelling, hence the name Dwelling of the Gods or Apukuna Tianan..
  • If you want to go by ATV you can also do this option which is more fun.

What to see and do in the Abode of the Gods in Cusco?

The place is full of several works of art carved in stone, although we also see the presence of wood carvings, these are some of the works that we will see in Apukunaq Tianan:

  • Puma: Animal venerated by different Andean cultures, it was also considered a symbol of the earthly world called Kaypacha.
  • Pachamama: or Mother Earth, as she was called by her children the Incas who made rituals of payment to the earth, since she provided us with food and in gratitude these offerings were made.
  • The three-dimensional door: This is a cave inside the rock formation, the Incas used it as communication caves with the world below (Ukupacha) and the world now (Kaypacha) and the world above (Hanan Pacha).
  • God Wiracocha: It is the most important god of the Inca empire creator of the sun, universe, moon and time. If you notice the arm of the sculpture Wiracocha is grasping a portion of land making reference that he has the world in his hands.
  • Rebirth: It looks like a God or Apu is being reborn.
  • Viewpoint: From this place you can see part of the community of Sencca and the city of Cusco, in the same viewpoint.
  • Among other mythical characters.

How to get to the Abode of the Gods?

The dwelling of the gods is located 8 km from the city of Cusco, in the district of Poroy (Sencca community), at an altitude of 3,850 meters above sea level.

To get to this tourist attraction you must come by public transportation company Expreso Santiago, and depending on where you can take it will take you to a point in the community Sencca which is your final stop.

From there you can go on foot which will take you at least 45 minutes to 1 hour, but we also have another option you can go in the collective cabs which costs 2 soles per person and the trip takes about 15 minutes.

  • The entrance fee to this abode is 15 soles for foreigners, 10 soles for Peruvians and 5 soles for Cusqueños.

Recommendations for visiting the Abode of the Gods of Cusco

To get to this beautiful tourist attraction, you must take into account some points:

  • Bring trekking shoes, hat, sun block lotion.
  • Always carry your identity card.
  • Have extra cash on hand.
  • You can bring snacks, water, fruit, and keep in mind that you must throw your garbage in the garbage cans.
  • If you are going during the rainy season, don't forget to bring ponchos.

Discover the Abode of the Gods with Terandes.com

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