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Best time to travel to Machu Picchu

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Home » Blog Machu Picchu » Best time to travel to Machu Picchu

Every adventurous traveler has on his travel list to the great Inca city Machu Picchu, a magnificent place that has many features to be favorite on the list, because it allows you to learn about the history of an ancient civilization; but you still do not know what is the best time to visit Machu Picchu, here is some information for you to see what season is best or fits your plans.

What is the best time to travel to Machu Picchu?

Before talking about the seasons, in summary I will talk about Machu Picchu, the Inca city belongs to the region of Cusco, province of Urubamba - Machu Picchu village and is at an altitude of 2450m. It was built by Pachacuteq (XV century) and was built on top of the mountain where we can see temples, roads, aqueducts and agricultural terraces, etc..

Yes you can visit the Inca citadel all year round, however, there are two climatic seasons that occur during the year, the rainy season and dry season, so it will depend on which of the two you want to visit. But I recommend that you visit Machu Picchu in the dry season due to the absence of rain and you can appreciate in all its splendor..

Machu Picchu in the rainy season

The rainy season occurs between the months of November to March, during these months there is presence of rain, the city dawns covered with fog and as the hours of the day passes it becomes clearer.

The weather is varied, sometimes it can rain all morning or all afternoon, it is very uncertain so if you are going to travel in these months you should take waterproof and warm clothes. The advantage of these months is that few tourists come to visit the Inca llaqta and allows you to see everything that surrounds it with more tranquility.

Also as rain is frequent, the whole Amazon will be green including the view of Machu Picchu which looks more beautiful compared to the dry season, another advantage is that travel promotions have discounts, offers something that does not happen in the dry season.

Machu Picchu in the dry season

The dry season occurs between the months of April to October, the days are sunny and there is rarely rain, and naturally tourists take advantage of these months to visit the citadel either on foot, by bus or train you can travel without any inconvenience.

As in these months most visitors decide to visit Machu Picchu, some days may be full and you will not be able to visit. Especially in these months you should bring light clothing, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, hat and trekking shoes.

Machu Picchu in the Transition Period

As you know Cusco has an unstable climate, there are days that it can rain and others sunny, even in dry seasons it can rain, I know it is a rare thing but this is the climate here, but what we mean by transition time.

The months of April and October are known as transition periods because of the presence of rainfall that lasts at most a couple of hours compared to the other rainy months.

High tourist season in Machu Picchu

The high season starts from April to October, during this time there is no presence of rain unless it is in the transition season and makes it easier for us to travel Machu Picchu. Just to enter the Inca city before the date to visit you have to book your tickets, train and more if you want to go to the Huayna Picchu mountain you must buy your tickets.

Similarly if you want to do 4-day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu you have to book months in advance, because they are sold out quickly and income is limited, the prices of other tourist services rise in price so I recommend that you book in advance or contact a travel agency to help you in the tours that include visiting Machu Picchu.

Do not forget that during the high season also the city of Cusco has the biggest party in Latin America, we are talking about the feast of Inti Raymi presented in June, the largest pilgrimage of the Lord of Qoyllor Rity, the reconstruction of the last suspension bridge of Q'ueswachaka, the feast of the Mamacha del Carmen and the presentations of the various public and private institutions, schools and universities greet the imperial city of Cusco.

Precisely, in high season there are a variety of events that take place in Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, and the city of Cusco itself, so you should buy your tickets in advance because the influx of tourists increases in these months.

  • Entrance fees to Machu Picchu sell out quickly.
  • You have to make your reservations months in advance.
  • If you want to do the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu you must book in advance.
  • During the high season Cusco has several festive activities.

Low tourist season in Machu Picchu

The low season is characterized by its little presence of tourists and precisely in these months is the rainy season so few tourists visit the citadel, however anyone who visits the citadel can see the green color covering the archaeological site.

One of the advantages of this season is that there are promotions that include other tours to visit Machu Picchu and you have for you alone to walk with tranquility throughout the archaeological site, hotels have low prices and other services of the people also lower prices.

  • There are few tourists visiting the citadel of Machu Picchu.
  • You run the risk of not seeing the Inca city completely because it is rainy season and the mist covers all the mountains.
  • There are promotions, discounted prices that you can take advantage of to visit the citadel.
  • It occurs during the rainy season from November to March.


En conclusión, si quieres conocer Machu Picchu te recomiendo que lo hagas en la estación seca o de transición, te permiten disfrutar de todo el paisaje a la hora que quieras visitar y entre estos meses tambien es la temporada alta por lo que te recomiendo que hagas tus reservaciones de ingresos a la ciudadela, tren, hoteles lo realices con meses de anticipación.

Whatever the months you go, don't forget to always carry your ID, extra cash, light cotton clothing, mosquito repellent, sunscreen, water, snacks, hiking shoes and your camera.

The agency Tierra de los Andes has several tours that will allow you to know Machu Picchu and other alternative attractions, if you are interested in these tours just write us to WhatsApp +51 984 550 165 or to our email ventas@terandes.com to give you more information about the tour packages we offer and we can organize it according to your preferences.

Climate of Machu Picchu Throughout the Year

The climate in Machu Picchu is varied and temperate, with sunny days and cold nights throughout the year, depending on the dry or rainy season.

May to October

The period from May to October is known as the dry season in Machu Picchu, characterized by clear skies and little precipitation. Daytime temperatures range between 17°C and 25°C, while nighttime temperatures can drop to 0°C, especially in June and July.

This is the best time to visit Machu Picchu due to favorable weather conditions and clear visibility of the ruins and surrounding landscape. However, it is also the peak tourist season, so it is recommended to make reservations in advance.

November to April

From November to April is the rainy season in Machu Picchu. During these months, precipitation is frequent, peaking in January and February. Daytime temperatures remain around 15°C to 20°C, and nighttime lows are around 12°C.

The rains can cause some paths and trails, such as the Inca Trail, to be closed due to the risk of landslides, but the main archaeological site remains open. Despite the rain, this period can offer a quieter experience with fewer tourists.

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