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Carlos Dreyer Museum

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Home » Puno » Carlos Dreyer Museum

Today known as the Carlos Dreyer Municipal Museum located in the city of Puno, one of the places that keeps a lot of history; in its different rooms exhibit a variety of objects from the pre-Inca, Inca, colonial and republican times.

What to see at the Carlos Dreyer Museum

The Carlos Dreyer Museum located in the city of Puno, was declared Cultural Patrimony of the Nation in 1980. The museum is on the house of Carlos Dreye after the owner died the Municipality of Puno took decision on it and in 1977 they turned it into a museum.

Momias En El Museo Carlos Dreyer
Momias En El Museo Carlos Dreyer Photo: difusión

The museum is divided into 8 exhibition rooms:

First room, Inca Hall: It receives this name because there are exposed different objects that belonged to the pre-Inca cultures, for example the Moche, Chimu, Nazca, Chancay, Paracas and other Inca pieces.

Second room, Lithic Gallery Hall: Here you will find purely lithic pieces, mainly sculptures, in the site you can see the group of monoliths that were made in the Pucara culture.

Third room, Regional Archaeological Hall: Here is a collection of cultural pieces that were developed in the Puno people, especially the Pucara, Tiahuanaco, Lupaca, Colla and Pacajes cultures.

Fourth room: Here we can see the greatest treasures of Sillustani and about five hundred pieces between gold and silver, and there is also the replica of the Chullpa of the Lizard.

Fifth room, Pinacoteca Hall: This room is dedicated to paintings that were made by painters with an indigenous tendency.

Sixth room, Colonial Room: Here are different objects of the time, among them important documents (act of colonial foundation of Puno).

Últimas salas, Salón Religioso y Salón Dreyer: This room exhibits religious pieces and some objects such as Republican war ornaments.

According to the story, C. Dreyer had an interest in drawing and painting; however, due to his father's pressure he had to train as a watchmaker, his mother was his support to continue developing his talent and he learned with artists.

To visit the Dreyer Museum you can go from Monday to Friday from 09:00 am to 17: 00 h and on Saturdays from 09: 00 am to 13:00 hours.

Where is it located?

The Carlos Dreyer Municipal Museum is located in Jr. Conde de Lemos 289, in front of the left side of the Cathedral Basilica, one block from the Main Square.

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