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San Pedro Church - Puno

Home » Puno » Churches and temples in Puno » San Pedro Church - Puno
Home » Puno » Churches and temples in Puno » San Pedro Church - Puno

The Church of San Pedro de Puno, is the biggest and oldest temple of Juli located in the main square of this city. This colonial construction dates from the XVI century and at the present time it is considered as Cultural Patrimony of the Nation since December 01, 1959.

According to historical data, the sanctuary was finished in 1565, so it is considered the oldest sanctuary of Juli; the construction was made entirely of stone and the promoters were the Dominican fathers.

Its structure has the form of a Renaissance style tower, with a dome surrounded by pinnacles, its façade is simple with three sections in a mestizo Baroque style and its classic stone and brick façade has two sections.

In the 17th century it underwent some changes in the part of the dome, presbytery and its side chapel, in the 18th century it was restored again. Inside it has impressive works of art, gold and silver objects, images and Flemish wood carvings, a collection of bronze paintings depicting the passion of Christ and restored apostles.

What to see in the Church of San Pedro Puno

In this temple, every June 29th a big party is celebrated in honor of its patron saint San Pedro, in which it receives visits from the different communities and authorities of the place, as well as several activities and dances typical of the place.

In the temple you can also see several canvases of art, altarpieces carved by the Italian artist Bernardo Bitti, paintings with ornamental frames, gold and silver objects, among other works of interest.

Location of the temple of San Pedro

It is located three blocks from the Plaza de Armas of the city of Acora, south of Puno. On the Panamerican Highway south of Puno to Desaguadero - Yunguyo.

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