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Coca Museum and customs Puno

Home » Puno » Coca Museum and customs Puno
Home » Puno » Coca Museum and customs Puno

The Coca Museum and customs, is important because here is highlighted the importance of this ancestral plant "coca" in which we will show the varieties uses, and types.

As we know, coca is used as medicine, for direct consumption of people, for offerings, but not all are the same, there is a variety of coca leaves and to learn more about them; we must visit the museum and understand why it is valuable in the Andean world.

Hall of the Coca Leaf: This room shows all the studies compiled on the coca leaf throughout the history of man, in which it is evident that they were used by our ancestors as food, medicine, and essential element for offerings to the gods holders.

Hall of Customs: Here is shown the diversity of Puno costumes, accessories, and masks of the different traditional dances that are celebrated in Puno, as well as photographs of the costumes and dances of Puno.

The museum also has a shop that sells coca leaves and products derived from it.

Museo De La Coca Y Costumbre Puno
Coca Museum and customs Puno Photo: @gogo_little_jojo

Where is the Coca Museum and customs in Puno located?

The Coca Museum is located at Ilave 581, one block from the Plaza de Armas, Puno.

Timetable and price

Admission is free, and you can visit from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

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