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What to see and do in Desaguadero

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Home » Puno » What to see and do in Desaguadero

Desaguadero is one of the few places that is located between two countries, being the closest and easiest border to access; here you can visit both Peru and Bolivia at the same time. This binational city lives with two cultures at the same time, and its inhabitants have adopted to this lifestyle.

It is said that formerly in Desaguadero there was no bridge, as the channel was small and was crossed only by jumping and over time increased its volume of the waters of Lake Titicaca and grew in size.

On the other hand, the Inca subjected the Aymara to the Inca empire, and then built a raft of totora reeds and called it Chacamarca which means Chaca (place where you cross the river over stones, in this case it went through the reeds) and Marca (means people).

What to do in Desaguadero

Desaguadero does not have many tourist sites; however, it is an important place, since you will have to cross the border to the country of Bolivia. What you can do here both on the Peruvian and Bolivian side is to visit the sites of:

Puma Punku - ancient ruins, go to the archaeological complex of Tiahuanaco, and go further and visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana on the Bolivian side.

Where Desaguadero is located

Desaguadero is between the border of Peru and Bolivia, at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level south of the Altiplano plateau and the border of Bolivia, the city is divided by the Desaguadero River, this being the border river and with a single exit from Lake Titicaca.


Its climate is arid, since during the day the weather is warm to hot and at night it is cold, usually does not fall much rain, climate that facilitates to travel and to know more attractions yet to be discovered.

During the year it has a temperature of -1 °C to 18 °C and rarely drops to -3 °C and rises to 22 °C, the best times to visit Desaguadero are in late April to mid-May and the other season is from September to mid-December.

Map of Desaguadero

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