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Getting from Puno to Bolivia

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Home » Puno » Getting from Puno to Bolivia

To get from Puno to Bolivia you must cross the border of Peru, these two countries share the territory of Lake Titicaca, therefore if you want to visit the Isla del Sol or Isla de la Luna, you must cross the border and then you could reach these islands. So, you will have to see by which route to go, if it is the direct one or with a stopover in Copacabana.

Travel Distance

The distance from Puno to the Bolivian border is 258 kilometers and the estimated time to get there is 6 hours, however, the time will change depending on the travel option you choose (if it is direct or with a stopover).

There are two routes to go to Bolivia, the first is to go through Kasani, in which you make a stopover in Copacabana and the second route is to go through the border of Desaguadero this is the most direct route, then I detail the options that exist for you to choose which of them you decide:

Direct trip: The trip starts in Puno towards La Paz, we have to cross the migratory border that is in Desaguadero, the distance to arrive to this point is from 3 to 4 hours of trip, then we leave directly to La Paz, no stops are made.

Trip with stopover: This option gives you a stop on the shore of Lake Titicaca to visit Copacabana, here you visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana, you consume the typical dish based on fresh trout.

Tourist trip: This trip is made for those people who consider that they have enough time to make a trip with tourist stops, Terandes takes you to Copacabana, where you can visit the Isla del Sol, stroll at night on the island and enjoy the beautiful sunset, after proceeding this tour we head towards La Paz.

What is the recommended route from Puno to Bolivia?

As you may have noticed in the previous paragraphs I mention three ways to travel, but there is one that is the most used by travelers, I'm talking about the tourist route, which is to travel from Puno, make a stop in Copacabana and head to La Paz, Bolivia.

This travel route is the most requested and ideal for those travelers who want to know more of Bolivia, by making a stop in Copacabana you will have the possibility to know the sanctuary and its attractions, the city is small and you can easily walk through its streets in just a few hours.

You can also visit the Isla del Sol and even spend the night here and watch the sunset, then continue quietly in a few hours to the city of La Paz, Bolivia.

Why choose to travel with Terandes?

As we said before, the best route to get to Bolivia is by land, which allows you to know several attractions during your trip, but as you know the land services do not always prioritize the needs of travelers, so some offer only transportation.

With Terandes, we make your trip not monotonous and straightforward, we are dedicated to offer quality, guarantee, attention and security so that our passengers can enjoy their trip and have a more pleasant experience.

We have the best assistance guide, we pick you up from your hotel, we provide security when traveling, and above all we support you when crossing the border of Peru and Bolivia.

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