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House of the corregidor of Puno

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Home » Puno » House of the corregidor of Puno

Puno, also known as the folkloric capital of America, is a town proud to have the most beautiful islands of the south, as well as its cultural richness existing through time. This time we will know more about the Casa del Corregidor de Puno.

One of the oldest colonial houses in Puno, it is now a fundamental cultural center of the site, with art exhibitions, a craft shop and is noted for being one of the best cafés in Puno.

Cafe Bar Casa Del Corregidor De Puno
Coffee, Casa Del Corregidor Photo:@fr_cre

Who was the Corregidor

The Corregidor of Puno was an important character, he had the position of a Spanish authority until 1782 who was in charge of administering justice, taxing, ordering and defending the city.

Now why the denomination "house of the corregidor", to receive this name had to go through several processes through the passage of time. The house of the corregidor is located in the historic center of Puno next to the Cathedral and the Dreyer Museum.

When you enter the house you will feel a unique tranquility and warmth, the patio has a traditional puneño style, ornamented with plants, colors, history and beauty. Likewise, a part of the house still preserves its original features that go from the street to the first courtyard and has a particularity that are in the second courtyard and its hallway.

Regarding its structure its walls of the first floor have a width of 115 cm and as you enter it becomes narrower, the door that is in the house is old served to see how old is the house of the corregidor

In addition, here you can see that the stone of the portico is similar to that of the towers of the Cathedral, a sign that the house was built at different times and with different architecture.

In 1980, the house of the corregidor was declared a historical monument by the National Institute of Culture (INC).

Where is the house of the corregidor located?

The house of the corregidor is located in Jr. Deustua 576 in Puno, the visiting hours are from Wednesday to Friday from 10:00 am to 22:00 hours and Saturdays (two shifts) from 10:00 am to 14:30 hours and from 17:00 to 22:00 hours.

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