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Titicaca Lake Tours from Cusco

Visit Lake Titicaca on a 12 days and 11 nights tour adventure, one of the best options to visit part of the south, which includes incredible destinations such as Sacsayhuaman, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Sun Routes, Lake Titicaca, Titicaca Islands.

Our 12 day tour starts in Cusco and ends in the folkloric capital of Puno, during the visit we combine many teachings, customs, traditions, language, and you will know the best sites that each destination has, including the 7 wonder of the modern world Machu Picchu.

Travel itinerary:

  • Day 1: Arrival in Lima

Our staff will welcome you at the Lima International Airport and transfer you to your hotel, with previous coordination we can make the City tour of the capital of Lima.

  • Day 2: Lima – Cusco - Pisac

The next day, after breakfast, we depart to Cusco, historical capital of Peru. Our staff will be waiting for you to be transferred to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where you can observe a lot of camelids, we will visit the market of Pisac.

In the afternoon, we will meet with the healers who will accompany us for the next few days, this day we rest at the hotel in Pisac.

  • Day 3: Pisac - Ollantaytambo

This day we have breakfast at the hotel, then we will go to the archaeological site of Pisac, a short walk to the cemetery of Tanqana marka and a ceremony called "ALLPAY", then we will visit the town of Pisac.

Ceremony of "ALLPAY": This ceremony is practiced with coca leaves. Here the healers ask permission to the Apus and Achachillas (protective spirits) to do the purification and healing of our tourist friends.

After lunch we continue our trip and we go to Ollantaytambo, we turn off the road by the bridge of Chillca to visit the Machu Temple site, we go up until we reach a cave where there is a stone carved in the shape of a chacana, and we make the meditation.

After the ceremony, we go to the town of Ollantaytambo and spend the night in the hotel.

  • Day 4: Ollantaytambo - Abra Málaga- Aguas Calientes

The next day we continue with this adventure of touring the southern part, this time we head towards the Port of Malaga which takes about an hour, we head towards the Private Conservation Area Reserve called Abra Malaga Thastayoc Royal Cinclodes, then climb the path that takes us in front of the snowy Wakaywillqe or Veronica.

This point is important, because in this place there will be a ceremony called "Ayni Karpay", the magic of this rite is that you will feel the energy of the Apu that surrounds you, the transition of this ceremony is connected first with the healer and then transmit it to the participant, in this moment you will feel all that energy, peace and the connection with oneself.

After this rite, we return to Ollantaytambo, have lunch and rest; in the afternoon we visit the temple of the wind dedicated to the 4 sacred elements, to then arrive by train to Aguas Calientes and spend the night there.

  • Day 5: Aguas Calientes - Mandor - Machu Picchu

The next morning we head to Mandor, here we will contemplate the cock of the rock and the flora of the place, we also perform the Ayni Karpay (ritual exchange of personal power), Hunay Chaska (Andean baptism) is a ceremony of connection with the water, after performing this ritual we go to the house of Melchor Arteaga and have a picnic.

After doing this tour we return to Puente Ruinas to take the bus and go to Machu Picchu, here we perform a shamanic ceremony and time to explore this great legendary citadel. In the evening we go to Aguas Calientes.

  • Day 6: Aguas Calientes - Ollantaytambo - Magical Cusco

The next day, we take the train to return to Ollantaytambo and we come in the direction of the city of Cusco, once in this city we make a tour of the main streets and visit Qoricancha or known as the Temple of the Sun, very important building of the city and return to the hotel.

  • Day 7: Inca archaeological sites

This day we will do a City tour, in which you will visit several archaeological sites surrounding the city of Cusco:

Tambomachay: Tampobomachay is another name that it receives and means "resting place". The Incas pointed out each place with a characteristic importance, in this almost this archaeological site was destined to the cult of water.

In the place you will appreciate a number of canals, aqueducts and several waterfalls that run through the rocks, this highlights its importance and its creation, also in the place there is a main waterfall and two secondary but they are equal, because if you get to take water from the two waterfalls, these are filled at the same time and with the same amount, data that are surprising and remain a mystery.

Qenqo: It is another special site, its name derives from Quechua and means "labyrinth" in which it shows us mysteries through its underground galleries and innumerable channels that form a labyrinth. It is said that this sacred rock is surrounded by a semicircular wall, similar to an amphitheater and in this place all kinds of rituals were evidenced.

In addition, at the top of the building there are two small rock formations, and according to historians indicate that it is a sundial that served both priests and astronomers who are dedicated to measuring the passage of time.

Today, it remains a mystery, not only because of how the Incas carved it, but also because of what lies beneath it.

Sacsayhuaman: It comes from the Quechua language which means "place where the hawk is fed", it is believed that there was a presence of these birds in the place, hence the name; However, this fortress could have been a ceremonial center as many historians have pointed out, since the building is only 40% complete, so it is not known exactly what function it fulfilled.

They are still debating whether it is a fortress for military purposes or a ceremonial center, although there are traces that this place was a ceremonial temple dedicated to the god Inti (sun) and is the most accurate. However, it surprises many with its large stone blocks with cyclopean shape built in this place.

After visiting these archaeological sites, we go to the house of Pedro Condori, healer and spiritual protector of this sacred site. As in the previous points, we make an offering in honor of the Pachamama (mother earth) and return to the center of the city.

  • Day 8: Cusco - Puno

This time our trip is a little longer and we go to Puno, Lake Titicaca during our journey we will visit several attractive sites such as Raqchi where we will do a shamanic tour and cleaning of the "Chac Ras Andinas", after living this beautiful experience we go to lunch to continue with our trip.

On the way we pass through Pucara and visit the museum (optional view) and continue our journey to the city of Puno, and spend the night in this city.

  • Day 9: Chucuito - Titicaca Lake - Puno

We continue with our trip, this time we visit the famous Temple of fertility in Chucuito, here we are explained about the mystical mystery of the place; it is near the shores of Lake Titicaca in which you will find a temple surrounded by stone phalluses in order to cure women who had infertility, this was done with a magical ritual.

Its name in Aymara is "Inca Uyo" which means Inca virile member in which large offerings were made for women to be cured or make the miracle of reproduction. According to the villagers, through the rite the women recovered their fertility.

The process of the rite was done with coca leaves and purple corn chicha, in which the woman had to sit on the phallus and pour the chicha, now if the chicha was thrown to the side could not have children, but if the liquid went to the center was more than sure to have children.

After the guided tour in the Temple of fertility, we go directly to the beaches of Charcas and do a ceremony "Yatiri" directed to the Mama Cocha (mother lake), then we practice a purification bath in the waters of the Mama Cocha.

Once the spiritual process is finished, we will have lunch in a paradisiacal place and return to the city of Puno (hotel).

  • Day 10: Puno - Aramu Muru- Puno

Este día, salimos muy temprano para visitar el Portal de Aramu Muru, un portal tridimensional preinca con mucho místicismo, hacemos un tour chamánico y recorreremos por un bosque de piedras y diferentes formaciones calcáreas.

Luego nos dirigiremos auna piedra de la misma roca y realizaremos una meditación guiada y podamos conectarnos, una vez culminada esta practica nos regresamos a la ciudad de Puno.

  • Día 11: Puno - Cutimbo - Uros - Puno

This time we go to the chullpas of Cutimbo, of circular, rectangular or square structure that were built to house great characters recognized from different cultures.

These had an internal burial chamber and was closed with the same stones but carved and joined with clay mortar, however this was especially for the elite, because in its surroundings there were smaller tombs.

The shamanic guide will allow us to know its importance and essence of the place, after that we will do the ceremonial work with Ukhu Pacha (underground world) inside the chullpa, then we will have a picnic lunch in the place and in the afternoon we will return to Puno.

This time we go straight to the port of Puno and visit the Uros Island, and in the evening we will have our last group dinner and return to the hotel in Puno.

  • Day 12: Puno - Juliaca - Lima (retorno)

On the last day, we pick you up from your hotel and transfer you to the Juliaca airport to take your flight to Lima and return to your destination.

Why visit Lake Titicaca

The place is amazing not only for being the highest navigable lake in the world, but also because its waters of Lake Titicaca strengthen and recharge energy; in addition, its inhabitants still continue practicing and preserving customs of their ancestors.

You can take a ride on the Caballitos de Totora, Totora rafts that were used for hundreds of years and learn about the variety of islands, native fauna and flora, participate in experiential tourism, sport fishing and other activities that you can only see here.

List of tours in Lake Titicaca

There are a variety of tours that you can do with Tierra de los Andes, some are direct trips and others go to various tourist destinations that take you to Lake Titicaca, such as:

  • Treasures of Southern Peru Tour (15 days and 14 nights)
  • Sun Temple Tourism Peru and Bolivia (13 days and 12 nights)
  • Tour discovering the south of Peru (10 days and 9 nights)
  • Cusco and Lake Titicaca Tour (12 days and 11 nights)
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