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Patallacta, la gran ciudad Inca

Home » Cusco » Visit Cusco's most incredible archaeological sites » Patallacta, la gran ciudad Inca
Home » Cusco » Visit Cusco's most incredible archaeological sites » Patallacta, la gran ciudad Inca

You are a lover of nature, Inca culture, then this article will interest you because I bring you a new Inca city called Patallacta, a city that is built on stepped agricultural terraces surrounding the mountain.

This site takes you to the 7 wonder of the world Machu Picchu, here we will talk about its history, architecture, how to get to this place, and everything you can see and do inside it:

History of Patallacta (Patallaqta)

Before talking about Patallacta we must know the meaning of its name, the word 'llaqta' derives from Quechua and means "city, town" and 'Pata' means "height", therefore Patallacta is a city built in the highest part.

Some scholars indicate that a high-ranking Inca commanded to build this city of Patallacta or Llactapata, this place was related to the citadel of Machu Picchu.

Patallacta was discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1912, one year after he discovered the 7th wonder of the world Machu Picchu; that is not all on his way he discovered many Inca sites and undoubtedly passed through Patallacta or Llactapata as it is often called.

Hiram's partner, Hernan Tucker added that the site was known as Patallacta and had at least a hundred houses and on the upper part of the mountain there were also important sites such as Wayllabamba.

The Inca Manco Inca Yupanqui burned the city of Patallacta and other settlements that were along the Inca Trail, and everyone will wonder why he did such a thing, because as the Spanish invaders were chasing Manco Inca what he did was to desist the Spanish persecution; it could be said that thanks to these is that the Spanish did not discover the Inca Trail or the settlements that were found along the site.

Today you can see that Patallacta consisted of 112 rooms of walled houses, a ceremonial site and the agricultural sector that must be explored once we are in the place, it is also part of the Inca trail.

Architecture of the archaeological complex of Patallacta

It consists of an impressive system of terraces, the first platform is at the base and has an extensive size, the second floor consists of at least 12 staggered platforms and at the top is what would be the rooms.

What can be seen in the rooms is that it has the same Inca architecture, with niches, pyramidal doors, circular squares; there are practically high andenería systems.

What to see and do in Patallacta?

Patallacta was an agricultural and religious center of great importance, the place was divided into four sectors:

  • First sector: It consists of a face-to-face building with a central courtyard.
  • Second sector: The site shows four buildings surrounding the central courtyard, these are located laterally to each other.
  • Third sector: It consists of four buildings with their courtyards, located in front of the central square.
  • Fourth sector: Here we can find two buildings with two courts facing each other, it has the same style as the first sector, but is larger, on the left side we can also see two courts. All sectors share the same square.

How to get to Patallacta from Cusco?

The archaeological complex is located in Urubamba, right on the river of the same place; but to get there we must take the Inca trail that leads to Machu Picchu.

Why visit Patallacta with Terandes.com?

It is one of the must-see places, if you are going to visit Machu Picchu you must first visit the small constructions that were made on the Inca Trail, each one of them tells the Inca history, its architecture, religion and the importance they had at that time. The travel agency Terandes.com has trained and experienced staff.

In conclusion, the archaeological complex of Patallacta was considered as a religious and agricultural center by the presence of its terraces and buildings that are seen in the upper part, it is also a few kilometers from the 7 wonder of the world Machu Picchu. If you are interested in doing the Inca Trail write us and we will guide you in everything.

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