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Siete Culebras Street in Cusco

The Siete Culebras Street has stone walls that have carved seven pairs of snakes in high relief. It is one of the most recognized of the city of Cusco, this leads to the Plaza de Armas, where you can enjoy all the attractions it offers.

Upon entering the street, you will see a stone arch that decorates the place, and then find in detail the fourteen snakes that are engraved on the walls, in this part you will notice that half of them have a look towards the street and the others in the direction of Nazarenas Street.

How to get to Calle Siete Culebras from Cusco's Main Square?

To get to the Calle Siete Culebras from the Plaza de Armas of Cusco, you can start walking because it is only five minutes away. You head towards the Cathedral of Cusco, to continue through the Plazoleta de las Nazarenas, where you will find the wall of the seven snakes.

History of Calle 7 Culebras of Cusco

Siete Culebras Street was originally known as "Amaru Ccatta", which translates as "The Serpent's Slope", and it is said that this site was formerly a spring where there was a pasture.

According to historian Victor Andres, this street was located inside the "Pumacurco" (trunk to tie the pumas) and at the same time belonged to the Amaru Ccata, this point limits with a structure that was part of the Yachahuasi or space where the nobles of the Inca Empire studied, which was represented by the Amaru (snake).

The serpent is of great importance to the Incas because it is part of their trilogy, which places this animal as the representation of the infinite, the world below or the world of the dead, because when they leave the earthly side they join another dimension that is represented with this being. For them it also means wisdom, study and science.

Today you can see the fourteen snakes carved on the walls, these are seven on each side at the same time, making it a very special street in the historic center of Cusco.

Why is it called Calle 7 culebras?

It has this name because it is a street that has the image in relief of seven pairs of snakes on the stones of the wall that backs the place.

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